Cutting Tools


Precision cutting tools need to remain in top condition to perform at a high accuracy over and over again. Due to the part they play in precision machining, it’s essential that they are often inspected and replaced when necessary. Industrial metrology equipment is used to determine the lifespan of cutting tools, helping manufacturers to understand the degree of wear experienced under a range of circumstances. By understanding their performance levels, the lifespan of precision cutting tools can be maximised through proper maintenance and even design, reducing the costly experience of replacing unnecessarily. Additionally, knowing the expected deterioration rates of precision cutting tools by testing and inspecting in different scenarios, manufacturers can avoid the chance of delivering unsatisfactory products by replacing cutting tools at the right time.


Industrial Metrology in Design and Manufacture 

On top of helping manufacturers to understand the lifespan of their cutting tools, industrial metrology can also help with the design process and drive product developments by analysing wear patterns for example. This can lead to the addition of localised hardening or other modifications to the manufacturing process which can reduce erosion or thermal degradation, thus lengthening the lifespace of the tools further. 

At Optimax, we supply a huge range of industrial metrology equipment for the manufacturing industry. They enable the detailed inspection of the smallest tools and with continuous monitoring, can provide accurate measurement data over the service life of cutting tools, indicating precise rates of wear. We also offer contract measurement services using our fully equipped in-house laboratory, providing you with traceable quality assurance without the upfront investment. As well as measuring and inspecting cutting tools, we can measure and inspect manufactured parts, helping you to better understand the source of defects and the effects of tool wear and tear on your end product. We let you get the best use from expensive tools while minimising the chance of worn or damaged cutting tools producing non-compliant end products.



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